Anonymous- 16

Anonymous- 16

I had just broken up with my boyfriend and lost quite a few friends so when I was in my last year at secondary school. So I started hanging out with this guy who had been expelled who I had never been close to but had always had good talks with. We started getting high together a few days a week with some of his other mates (I had never gotten high before)Then one day when we were out and the he told me to suck his dick which I didn’t mind. But the next time we went out he wanted to have sex I didn’t but I was very high and the world wasn’t straight so he had sex with me. I didn’t want it but I just lay there and let it happen. In my mind I wanted to tell him to get off and to push him but my body froze and I couldn’t. I saw him at prom a few months later and I had a panic attack and I let him ruin my prom to.

It made me feel empty and alone. I don’t know I don’t think there’s anything you can say to make it feel better.

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